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Cancel China Southern flight booking | Cancellation Policy, Fee

How can I cancel my China Southern flight?

Sometimes passengers have to cancel China Southern ticket reservations due to unavoidable circumstances. These sudden cancellations can be painful if you are compelled to pay high cancellation fees, but that is not the case with them. They have a very liberal flight cancellation policy and offer a 24-hour risk-free period to cancel your flight at no charge. If you want to cancel your China Southern flight, you can use the following methods:

Method 1: Online through the website

You can cancel China Southern flights online to save time queuing at your ticket office. It is efficient as you can do it anywhere using your phone or laptop in the way described below.

  • Open the website 
  • Click the Change/Refund option under the Online Service section of the website.
  • Now you need to sign in to your account using your Member Number/ Email/ Phone Number and password to see your booking details.
  • Select the Flight you want to cancel in the Booking details and click the cancellation button.
  • You will now see the cancellation charges and amount to be refunded on the screen, and after agreeing, your Flight will be canceled.
  • You will receive an endorsement email confirming all the details.

Method 2: By calling a representative

Passengers can also cancel China Southern Airlines tickets by calling a representative if they have trust issues with the online mode. You can call them in the way stated below:

  1. Dial the number at 95539-1-1-2/ +86-4008695539-1-1-2 for domestic flight cancellation and 
  2. For International flight cancellations, dial 95539-1-2-2/ +86-4008695539-1-2-2
  3. Now you are required to select your preferred language to communicate.
  4. After language selection, you will listen to the IVR instructions and follow them carefully.
  5. Choose the 4th command for flight cancellation; a representative will assist you shortly.
  6. Share your booking details with them and request a cancellation.
  7. They will cancel your Flight after verification and process a refund.
  8. You will receive a confirmation email from the airline's agent.

Method 3: At the Airport

Visiting the China Southern Ticket office at the Airport is another way to cancel your Flight with them. It is a very convenient way if you have time in hand. You only need to visit the counter with your booking details and government-issued Id proof to request a cancellation. They will cancel your Flight and process a refund which will reflect in the source account within 3-7 business days.

What is the China Southern Airlines 24-hour cancellation policy?

Before canceling your Flight, consult the rules applicable to your situation so that you can cancel it under any circumstances.

  • According to the China Southern 24-hour cancellation policy, you are not required to pay any cancellation charges if you cancel your refundable ticket within 24 hours of booking, and it goes up to 48 hours for the Flight to or from the US.
  • You must pay the appropriate cancellation charges if you cancel your refundable ticket after 24 hours of booking, and the remaining amount is refundable.
  • If you cancel your non-refundable ticket at China Southern, you will receive a Travel Credit of the same amount instead of a refund.
  • Your full amount will be lost if you cancel your non-refundable ticket after 24 hours of booking.

How much is the penalty for canceling a China Southern flight?

The exact amount to be paid as China Southern Airlines cancellation fee depends on several aspects, such as flight route, time of cancellation, and the conditions of the ticket you have booked. However, you need to pay a charge of approximately USD 75-400 if you are willing to cancel your Flight. If your Flight is canceled by China Southern Airlines, you will receive a full refund.