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How can I cancel my flight with Avianca?

Can I cancel my flight with Avianca?

Avianca airlines understand every circumstance and allow you to gather all the travel-related information online at their website. Due to some unexpected situations, you can no longer continue the flight journey. In this case, you can cancel Avianca flight online and get back the money. Therefore, to cancel the flight journey, you need to follow the simple steps that are given below:

Cancel Avianca flight reservation online

  • Initially, you need to get access to the official website of Avianca on your device.
  • Afterward, you must proceed to the manage your booking option available on the home screen.
  • At there, you need to add the reservation code with the last name that appears on the flight ticket.
  • Once you tap on the continue button, you will easily get access to the reservation with Avianca airlines. 
  • You need to choose the flight you want to cancel from the different reservations.
  • You will move to the new page when you tap on the cancel flight button from the drop-down list.
  • You will see the cancellation page and final amount after subtracting the charges or fees.
  • At last, you can review the details and tap on the confirm button. 
  • Your Avianca flight will be canceled immediately, and they will deliver you the confirmation message on the registered email id.

You can easily cancel the flight with Avianca airlines with the above information. You can also connect with customer service to cancel Avianca flight before the scheduled departure. 

What is the Avianca cancellation policy?

If you decide to cancel the Avianca flight, you must be aware of some rules and regulations. Thus, the following are the points regarding the Avianca cancellation policy that you can consider accordingly:

  • You have the feature to cancel the Avianca flight within 24 hours of the purchase with no charges or fees. According to this rule, you must have purchased the flight ticket a week prior to the scheduled departure.
  • If you cancel the Avianca flight after 24 hours, you need to pay some fees that will calculate accordingly. The actual fees or charges will compute between the ticket type and the time left for the actual departure. 
  • Some unexpected circumstances, such as a family member's death, can be there. Due to this, you will no longer continue the journey, and Avianca airlines will cancel the flight free of cost.
  • Sometimes, you need to utilize a portion of your flight journey and cancel the same. In this case, you need to pay the charges for the unused part and cancel the remaining part of the flight journey.
  • If you have purchased the Avianca flight with travel agencies, you need to connect with them to cancel flight with Avianca in less possible time.
  • If you have purchased the flight ticket with miles and canceled the same. In this case, you will receive the refund via miles. 

How much does Avianca charge to cancel?

Many travelers always look for the charges to cancel the flight journey. If you cancel the Avianca light within 24 hours, you don't need to pay any fees or charges. After 24 hours, you need to pay the Avianca cancellation fee, which will vary between $25 to $100. The actual costs will calculate as per the flight departure and ticket type with Avianca airlines. 

Does Avianca allow 24-hour cancellation?

Yes, Avianca gives you the feature of 24 hours flight cancellation. In this facility, you can proceed with Avianca cancel flight within 24 hours of the purchase to avoid any cancellation fees or charges. To come under this rule, you must have purchased the Avianca flight at least seven days before the departure. Non-refundable tickets will also get the travel credit of the same value as the original flight ticket within 24 hours of cancellation. 

How do I contact Avianca for flight cancellation?

You can get through with the customer service team to cancel the flight journey. Therefore to cancel Avianca ticket, you need to dial the customer service phone number 1 (800) 284-2622 and follow the on-call voice carefully. Following are the instructions that you can listen to accordingly:

  • Choose 1 for the language
  • Choose 2 to book the flight ticket
  • Choose 3 to cancel the journey
  • Choose 4 to obtain the refund
  • Choose 5 to get the details regarding the miles
  • Choose 6 to change the flight and name
  • Choose * to talk to the representative.

Once you press the above button, your phone call will be transferred to the representative on the spot. They will help you get the Avianca cancel flight refund before the departure to get rid of any charges or fees. The customer service team is accessible 24 hours and seven days a week.