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How do I cancel my VivaAerobus reservation?

How do I cancel my Viva Aerobus flight ticket?

Many times, passengers have to cancel their flight due to a change of schedule or an unpredictable incident; in that situation, you want a flight that provides a refund. VivaAerobus provides its customers with an easy cancellation policy that allows them to cancel their flights at any time. If you are looking to cancel the Vivaaerobus flight, then you can do it online or with the help of their customer service. You can follow the given instructions to cancel your flight with VivaAerobus.

The process of canceling a VivaAerobus reservation online

It is very convenient to cancel your VivaAerobus flight. If you are familiar with the cancellation policy of VivaAerobus, then you can cancel your flight anytime. You can follow the given steps to cancel your VivaAerobus flight:

  1. You have to open the website of VivaAerobus.
  2. Then you have to select "Manage Booking."
  3. Fill in the required credentials in the given tab, like your booking reference number and your first and last names, to see your itinerary details.
  4. Here, you have to select "Edit Flight."
  5. Now you will see the option of "Cancellation and refund."
  6. You will get the confirmation of cancellation through an email.

The process has been kept simple so that passengers do not have difficulty canceling their flights. If you are not comfortable canceling your flight online, you can take the help of customer service by dialing toll-free 1 (866) 359-8482. So you must cancel the Vivaaerobus flight ticket according to their cancellation policy. You can cancel your flight conveniently.

VivaAerobus flight cancelation policy

  • You do not have to pay the cancellation charge if you cancel your VivaAerobus flight within 24 hours of booking.
  • If you do not reach the airport three hours before your scheduled departure, you will be charged for "No Show."
  • If you do not board your flight 15 minutes before its departure, you will also be charged for "No Show."
  • You cannot cancel your flight one hour before its departure.
  • According to the cancellation policy of VivaAerobus, there are two conditions where you do not have to pay the cancellation charges. If you cancel your Viv flight within 24 hours and VivaAerobus cancels your flight. You have to pay the Vivaaerobus flight cancellation fee if you cancel your flight after 24 hours of booking. Flight cancellation charges are between $ 100 and $ 700.

How much does it cost to cancel a flight on VivaAerobus?

  1. If you cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking, you do not have to pay any cancellation charge. You will get a full refund.
  2. If VivaAerobus has canceled your flight, you do not have to pay the cancellation charge.
  3. The cancellation charge is between $ 100 to $ 700. You should cancel your flight early to avoid hefty penalties.
  4. Normally the cancellation charges depend on the time you take to cancel your flight. If you cancel your flight early, you must pay fewer cancellation charges. But if you take time, then the cancellation charge will also increase. According to the Vivaaerobus cancelation policy, you are not supposed to pay the cancellation fee if you cancel your VivaAerobus ticket within 24 hours of booking.

Can you cancel VivaAerobus within 24 hours?

  • VivaAerobus permits passengers to cancel their flight within 24 hours of booking.
  • There is also a condition to it. At least seven days must be left for your flight's scheduled departure.
  • If you cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking, you do not have to pay any cancellation charge. Your entire booking amount will be seized. If you are looking to cancel the Vivaaerobus flight reservation, then you must do it within 24 hours of booking. You have to remember that the condition that apart from canceling your flight within 24 hours, at least seven days should remain before the departure of the flight.