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How can I cancel a Spirit plane ticket online?

How can I cancel a Spirit flight reservation?

After you made the reservation with Spirit Airlines online and now, you need to cancel your itinerary due to a sudden change in plan. At that time, the best way available for the procedure to cancel an itinerary was through the official website, and to learn the proper technique for canceling Spirit flights online, you are suggested to read the below-referred points because every now and then, the best option is the official site.

Online steps to cancel Spirit Airline ticket booking:

  1. You need first to visit the official website of Spirit Airlines
  2. Then sign in to your account with the proper details.  
  3. From the left corner of the page, select my trips tab.
  4. Here choose to find my trip section and enter the passenger's last name and the ticket's confirmation code. 
  5. Click on the search button on the dashboard, and you can see your ticket. 
  6. Select the ticket and then tap over the cancel option and follow further prompts;
  • First, mention the ticket information, such as; ticket booking code, trip type, class, route/destination, etc.
  • Next, select the list of reasons to cancel your itinerary. 
  • Please choose one of them; you must describe it well in 1000 characters.
  • Tap over the submit button, and your ticket will now undergo the cancellation procedure. 
  • At last, you will receive a confirmation email direct from the Spirit Airlines reservation center with a complete ticket cancellation summary.

How much is the spirit cancellation fee?

As per the cancellation policy at Spirit Airlines, travelers who wish to cancel their ticket within the given time frame, which is before 24 hours of the scheduled departure of the ticket. Then for such cases, you have to use the following details for the Spirit flight cancellation fee because you will get refunds or compensation for the canceled flight tickets.

  • 0-6 days from scheduled departure - $119
  • 7-30 days ahead of departure - $99
  • 31-59 days of departure – $69
  • 60-plus days from the scheduled departure - The ticket cancellation is free.

Spirit ticket cancellation policy:

While you head for the ticket cancellation for your existing reservation, you must have the cancellation policies norms as you will then be able to wisely get Spirit ticket cancellation policy, ticket canceled accordingly, and proceed for it properly online and offline.

  1. Flight cancellation for Spirit tickets, if it gets requested within 24 hours of booking as flight departure is after 7 days, then the customer is eligible to get full refunds. 
  2. In cases like a cancellation is made due to flight delay, then too full refunds are permissible for the travelers. 
  3. The ticket cancellation, which is held within 24 hours of purchase, is also eligible for full refunds. 
  4. But in cases, the cancellation is after 24 hours from booking, then cancellation charges are to get paid accordingly.

How do I contact Spirit for flight cancellation?

For ticket cancellation purposes ahead of online steps, customers are also offered the contact option, which is also one of the suitable ways to cancel tickets on Spirit flight, and for this procedure, you are requested to follow all the steps as prompted below.

  • Call on the Spirit Airlines customer service number at 1-855-728-3555
  • You need to go by the various voicemail instructions point by point carefully. 
  • Press the appropriate option for ticket cancellation from your dial pad. 
  • Now wait on-call until the assistant arrives.
  • Once the agent is on-call, you will have to share your queries for cancellation, and you will get assisted quite appropriately.

How much time do you have to cancel a Spirit flight?

Sometimes passengers cannot continue their travel and want to cancel their reservation and get a refund. Though it does not matter which trip type you purchased from Spirit Airlines, you can cancel your itinerary 24 hours from the time you booked for free. Otherwise, the fee payable for cancellation ahead of 24 hours will be $39 to $79 standardly.

Does Spirit refund money for canceled flights?

Yes, full refunds are eligible for the passenger to cancel Spirit flight and ticket, and to know about such an event matter, you must process it within 24 hours from the ticket purchase, and you will get complete refunds.

How does Spirit cancellation fee work?

The booking with Spirit Airlines works with the assigned cancellation policies. If you need to cancel your Spirit reservation 24 hours after booking, you will have to pay the cancellation charges according to your tickets.