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Cancel Oman Air Ticket, Cancellation Policy, and Charges

How do I cancel an Oman Air ticket?

There are times when a person cannot travel as planned. In such a case, if you had booked with Oman Air and needed to cancel the same for any reason, you can take the help of the official site and cancel the flight booking. If you have considered the online cancellation process, below are the steps to cancel an Oman Air flight online, which you can follow whenever necessary.

Process for the flight cancellation online:

  • Visit the Oman Air official website,
  • Click on the "Manage Booking" tab,
  • Enter the booking reference and passenger surname to get the details of the booking,
  • As the booking retrieves on the page, choose the "Cancel Flight" button,
  • Pick your reason for canceling the flight ticket and pay the applicable charges,
  • As the payment is confirmed, your Oman Air flight will be canceled. 

What are the cancellation charges for Oman Air?

The Oman Air cancellation charges depend on the ticket fare and the reserved route. However, one can expect the waiver charge to be between $75 USD to $95 USD. The cancellation charge can be checked at the time of flight cancellation. 

What is the Oman Air cancellation policy?

The airline cancellation policy is divided into two parts: first, for those who cancel the ticket within 24 hours of completing the reservation, and second, for those who cancel after passing the 24 hours of reservation. 

The Oman Air cancellation policy 24 hours is as follows:

  1. No waiver charge/cancellation charge will be applied for the ticket cancellations.
  2. A full refund of the flight ticket will be provided if the departure date is seven or more days from the date of reservation. 
  3. For a non-refundable ticket, the refund will be provided in terms of credit points. 
  4. The refund for the refundable tickets is shared on the original source of payment.  

The Oman Air cancellation policy for tickets that are canceled after 24 hours is as follows:

  • There will be mandatory cancellation charges as applicable on the fare type.
  • Refunds will be provided after the mandatory deductions like taxes and administration charges.
  • If a cancellation is made due to three or more hours of delay in the scheduled boarding, it will be free of any charge, and the person can obtain a full refund.
  • In case the flight is rescheduled for another date, then the free-of-charge cancellation option will be given to all the flight ticket holders with a full refund. 
  • The individuals who need to cancel the ticket for any medical emergency can submit the relevant documents for free cancellation. 
  • The booking made by a third party should be canceled by the same point rather than contacting Oman Air directly. 
  • Oman Air also allows passengers to cancel a half-used ticket if the fare type is flexible. They could also take the unused part refund by applying for the refund request. 
  • An individual can also choose to obtain travel vouchers for the refund of their flight cancellation. 

How to contact Oman Air to cancel a flight?

If you do not find the online cancellation feasible, you can choose to contact Oman Air directly for the cancellation of your flight ticket. The representative is available at their customer service and is obligated to cancel an Oman Air ticket upon your request. Here is the detailed process on how you can contact and request the ticket cancellation:

  1. Call Oman Air customer service at +968-2453-1111,
  2. Next, you will be joined by a representative,
  3. Share the reservation code and full name to request the ticket cancellation,
  4. The representative might need a few more pieces of information for canceling your ticket,
  5. Next, pay any charge if applicable as per the policy,
  6. Then, the ticket booked with Oman Air will be canceled, and a notification will be received as a confirmation.