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How do I cancel my United Basic Economy flight?

Steps to cancel United Basic Economy flight

Generally, the United Basic Economy Flight is non-refundable and non-changeable, but they do allow a 24-hour flexible cancellation policy for their travelers. So, the passengers can cancel within 24 hours of purchase to get the travel credit, which can be used for future travel. You should know the essential steps to canceling a United basic economy flight, which are explained below.

  • You should visit the United Airlines official website.
  • Now, click on the Manage Booking tab.
  • Passengers must enter the booked itinerary details, such as the booking confirmation number and last name given on the itinerary, in the given field box.
  • The screen will show the complete itinerary and the change or cancel icon.
  • Select the cancel tab and follow the instructions.
  • Once the cancellation process is complete, you will receive the confirmation on the valid email address.

United Airlines Basic Economy Cancellation Policy:

Passengers may be required to cancel the existing reservation due to last-minute plan changes or medical reasons. Every traveler must know the essential terms and conditions of the United Economy Cancellation policy, which are given below.

  1. If you have booked a United Airlines Basic Economy fare, then the booked fare can not be canceled or changed.
  2. Economy fares can be changed or canceled only within 24 hours of purchase to get the travel credit for the canceled ticket, but the departure will be after seven days.
  3. Passengers are not allowed to bring extra carry-ons if they have purchased United Basic Economy.

Is there a difference between the United economy and the basic economy?

The basic fare is ineligible for refund and non-changeable; no extra carry-ons are allowed. However, the Economy Standard offers relaxing seats with extra legroom and extra carry-ons.